Maintenance Articles

Do I Really Need an AC Tune-Up?

June 14, 2023
Image of technician working on AC unit. Do I Really Need an AC Tune-Up.

It’s easy to bump things like an air conditioner tune-up down the priority list, both in terms of time and money. It’s very likely you have higher priorities requiring more urgent attention than an air conditioner that seems to be working just fine.

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Air Handler Maintenance

May 15, 2023
Image of someone working on air handler. Air Handler Maintenance.

Regularly scheduled maintenance for your air handler keeps you healthier; extends the life of your system; and contributes to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) higher efficiency; and may even reduce your energy bills.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

October 13, 2022
Image of a man holding a coffee mug

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Houston home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room causing spotty heating or cooling. On cold days, this can be a nuisance. For example, you may be confined to only a few rooms in your home. Or you might have to wear a coat and blanket just to function around the house.

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Is HVAC Preventative Maintenance Worth It?

March 16, 2022
Air conditioner with maintenance tools and service reminder in residential back yard in Bellaire

Maintaining your heating and cooling system with preventative maintenance reaps multiple benefits for you! Protect your HVAC investment for the long haul…

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AC Maintenance Checklist

April 12, 2021
ac maintenance

Here’s a comprehensive air conditioning maintenance checklist, courtesy of our professionals at M E Brown Air Conditioning Company, to help keep your system in excellent working order.

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Fall HVAC Maintenance

September 15, 2020
Autumn Front Door

Now is the time to have maintenance done on your home’s HVAC system. Our team wants to keep your system working for when you need it most.

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