Uncategorized Articles

5 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

March 31, 2024

What do you think of when you hear about air pollution? You might immediately imagine a giant cloud of smoke, cars spewing exhaust, or a trash incinerator––but have you ever thought about your own home in Cypress?

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Video – Covid Safety Measures

December 30, 2021
Covid Safety Procedures

ME Brown has taken steps to help reduce the spread of covid and protect its clients.

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Humidity in Your Home

September 7, 2018
Glass door with condensation and a tree

High indoor humidity can be hard to control. Often people use their air conditioners to remove moisture from their home since this happens as a by-product of cooling. However dehumidification is not the primary purpose of and air conditioner. An air conditioner runs off of a thermostat which only senses temperature not humidity levels. When…

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COVID-19 Policy

January 1, 1970

In response to COVID-19, we want you to feel safe when you invite us into your home. We believe being proactive will help keep all of us well. We want you to know we are taking as many preventative measures as possible. We will be serving you by: Equipping techs with alcohol-based hand sanitizer and requiring…

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Video – Energy Saving Tip 3

January 1, 1970

Close your blinds on sun-facing windows during the day to keep the sun from heating up your home and causing your air conditioner to use more energy. M E Brown Air Conditioning CO 713-939-9411

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