
Why Ductless Is the Way to Go. Contemporary living room with white sofa, air conditioner and closed door - 3D Rendering.

Why Ductless Is the Way to Go

March 15, 2024

A ductless system, or mini split, adds comfort to your home without the hassle of having to extend your ductwork. For new construction, additions, retrofits, and remodeling projects, a ductless system is your perfect heating and cooling solution.

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Dry Vent Cleaning

February 15, 2024

Failure to clean. Those words should never describe dryer upkeep in your Texas home. The leading cause of dryer fires is the failure to clean the appliance, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The organization says failure to clean sparked 32 percent of dryer fires annually from 2014 to 2018 in the U.S.…

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Video - The Homeowner's Guide to the Inflation Reduction Act. Coloring of American flag with the text, "WHAT IS THE IRA?”

Video – The Homeowner’s Guide to the Inflation Reduction Act

January 30, 2024

Want to improve your comfort and save money? The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) gives you a winning strategy to do both.

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How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger. Man coughs in his elbow while sitting on sofa at home.

How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger

January 15, 2024

At ME Brown Air Conditioning Co., we take the safety of our customers in Texas seriously. That’s why we want you to know how to spot a cracked heat exchanger.

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Why Air Duct Cleaning Is Important. Professional Air Duct Cleaning.

Why Air Duct Cleaning Is Important

December 29, 2023

Just like your lungs are an important connection to the rest of your respiratory system, your home’s ductwork, or air ducts, are importantly connected to your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. For your HVAC system—and your lungs—to perform at peak level, the numerous airways need to be open and clear. All in the name of breathing properly.

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Transitioning Your Heat Pump. Close-up of black full inverter heat pump outside in the garden, near wooden pool house on a sunny day. Lens flare on the image.

Transitioning Your Heat Pump

December 15, 2023

One reason Texas homeowners love heat pumps is they function as an all-in-one unit. Instead of purchasing and maintaining a separate furnace and air conditioning system, you can simply transition your heat pump from the heat setting to the cooling setting and vice versa as seasons warrant. 

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What Are the Different Types of Furnaces? - Man Repairing a Furnace.

What Are the Different Types of Furnaces?

November 30, 2023

This winter, you’re hoping to have a brand new furnace to keep you warm. But there are so many furnaces to choose from. You’re left wondering, which is the right one for your Houston home?

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Is Your Heating System Ready for This Winter? Family snuggling together in warm winter clothing.

Is Your Heating System Ready for This Winter?

November 10, 2023

Winter’s here in Texas can get pretty cold. If you want to remain comfortable regardless of how low the outdoor temperature drops, prepare your heating system so that it runs efficiently and keeps you warm.

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How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter? A winter blizzard rages outside the back yard bay window where this small, serene potted plant garden grows and blooms oblivious to the season.

How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter?

October 31, 2023

Are you anticipating a higher heating bill this winter? Here in Houston, temperatures can get pretty low. The only way to ensure you remain perfectly comfortable inside your Texas home is by cranking up the heat.

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Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control. Moisture on a window.

Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control

October 15, 2023

Everyone knows temperature plays an important role in comfort. When the weather gets chilly, you automatically adjust your furnace or heating system. And the air conditioner tends to be center stage in the heat of the summer. However, it’s important to realize humidity levels play just as much of a leading role in your Bellaire home.

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