Air Conditioning Articles

Why Air Conditioners Freeze Up

August 29, 2024
Why Air Conditioners Freeze Up. Frozen AC units.

Did you accidentally stumble upon your air conditioning (AC) unit’s “winter weather” setting? Nope. You’re probably experiencing an air conditioner freeze up.

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Going Ductless

July 31, 2024
couple sitting on couch using a remote controller to adjust their ductless ac unit.

You can spend up to 30 percent less to cool and up to 60 percent less to heat when you upgrade AC system, according to ENERGY STAR®.

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Summer Savings Tips for AC

May 31, 2024
Summer Savings Tips for AC. A woman sitting in her living.

It’s summertime in Texas. The team at ME Brown Air Conditioning Co. hopes you find time to relax with friends and family, taking in the beautiful sunny days. On days when it gets a bit too sunny, you can jump in a pool or bask in the cool breeze your air conditioner provides.

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Air Conditioners: Things You May Not Have Known

September 15, 2023
Air Conditioners: Things You May Not Have Known. Couple sitting at table and calculating bills at home.

Though air conditioners are a major part of modern life, they hold many secrets few people know about.

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5 Common AC Problems

August 31, 2023
Closeup of an HVAC fan.

Not only will your electric bills in Texas be cheaper––your AC system will last longer. Plus, your equipment will be operating at its best, so you will experience maximum comfort.

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AC and Allergies

August 8, 2023
High angle shot of a young businessman feeling ill at his work desk.

Looking for additional methods to stop allergens from inhabiting your home? ME Brown Air Conditioning Co. has a team of home comfort experts ready to find the perfect solution for your lifestyle.

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4 Signs I Need a New AC Unit

July 15, 2023

ME Brown Air Conditioning Company understands that air conditioning is crucial for comfort in your daily life here in River Oaks, TX. A well maintained AC unit, with yearly inspections and monthly filter changes, can last up to 10 or 15 years.

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Do I Really Need an AC Tune-Up?

June 14, 2023
Image of technician working on AC unit. Do I Really Need an AC Tune-Up.

It’s easy to bump things like an air conditioner tune-up down the priority list, both in terms of time and money. It’s very likely you have higher priorities requiring more urgent attention than an air conditioner that seems to be working just fine.

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How Does My Air Conditioning System Work?

August 17, 2022
How Does My Air Conditioning System Work?

Whether it’s people, appliances, or air conditioning (AC) systems, the better you know them, the better you are able to care for them. Our team at M E Brown Air Conditioning knows air conditioners because it’s our business. We want to share just a little of our knowledge with you so you can extend the life of your air conditioner, avoid costly repairs, and save energy and money in Houston.

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3 Health Benefits for Using Your AC While Sleeping

July 15, 2022
woman resting comfortably and gaining 3 health benefits because she is using her AC while sleeping

A major part of your health relies on getting a good night’s sleep. That’s why it’s not just important to run your air conditioner during the hot summer days. You also need to keep your home comfortably cool at night as well.

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5 Ways to Save Money on Your AC and Summer Energy Bill

June 17, 2022
Air conditioner saving money

These five simple tips for staying cool and using your AC less may help you cut costs and save money on your monthly energy bill.

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Why Do I Need a Humidifier?

May 19, 2022
Why Do I Need a Humidifier?

Winter is right around the corner and with it comes freezing temperatures, frequent illness, and dry indoor air. If you struggle with discomfort during the winter in your Houston home, you may benefit from investing in a humidification system.

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Spring Money-Saving Tips

April 16, 2022
spring money-saving tips

Everyone loves to save money, and it’s a good idea to review different aspects of your budget now and again to see if there are more opportunities you have missed in the past. In the springtime, considering how you can reduce your energy bills is always a great idea.

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When Is It Time for a Split-System AC Replacement?

August 9, 2021
Man setting up ventilation system for a split-system AC replacement indoors.

Our M E Brown Air Conditioning team can help you learn more about current split-system models as well as help you evaluate whether your current system requires repair or replacement.

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Top Causes of Air Conditioner Failure

July 8, 2021
Home Air Conditioner Condenser coil sitting in front of brick wall. Prevent air conditioner failure

If you are a homeowner in Houston getting ready for a scorching summer, you will want to understand the top causes of air conditioner failures and what to do to prevent or address them.

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AC Maintenance Checklist

April 12, 2021
ac maintenance

Here’s a comprehensive air conditioning maintenance checklist, courtesy of our professionals at M E Brown Air Conditioning Company, to help keep your system in excellent working order.

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Is It Normal for My AC to Turn On and Off?

July 9, 2020
Indoor AC Unit

Is your home’s air conditioner repeatedly turning on and off? This is called short cycling. Our team wants to share how to fix this issue.

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How Does Your Central Air Conditioner Cool Your Home?

June 10, 2020
Pipeline Air

Want to know more about your home’s air conditioner? Our team wants you to grasp the basic components of your AC to help identify problems.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Making Noise?

May 18, 2020
AC Making Noise

Is your air conditioner making strange noises? Our team in Houston wants to show you some of the common noises your ac makes and what they can mean.

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Does My Air Conditioner Eliminate Mold?

July 2, 2019

At M E Brown Air Conditioning Company, we’re often asked, “Do air conditioners kill off mold?” This is a common misconception. A properly maintained and functioning air conditioner (AC) can decrease the likelihood of mold growth. This is because it acts as a humidity balancer. But if mold forms, the air conditioner can’t prevent it from growing. This is why it’s important to occasionally examine your ducts for any leakage, which can cause mold. The spores from the mold can circulate through the vents and cause your lungs to become irritated, especially if your suffer from allergies.

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Do Air Conditioners Help With Seasonal Allergies?

May 15, 2019
A resident of Houston

Air conditioners can help filter your home’s air and control its humidity, which are both helpful when navigating allergy season here in Houston, TX…

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Should I Really Schedule a Spring Maintenance Inspection for My Air Conditioner?

March 5, 2019
Technicians arriving to a Houston

Nobody wants to deal with a broken AC unit—especially with summer approaching! That’s why we offer spring inspections in Houston & the surrounding areas…

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Air Conditioner Maintenance

August 27, 2018
Close up of Air Conditioning Repair

An conditioner, just like a car, needs regular maintenance and service to run efficiently. At M E Brown we recommend getting your AC unit serviced and cleaned once a year. You should do this in the Spring to ensure that your unit will run with the most efficiency during the hottest Summer months. We understand…

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Why is My Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

July 30, 2018
Sweating Asian girl cooling herself with big fan

What happens when you turn on your air conditioning unit and it blows hot or warm air? There are many reasons this might be happening, but we know it is not acceptable here in Houston, TX. We want to keep you cool at M E Brown, so here are a few simple things that you…

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Common Problems with Air Conditioning in Houston

July 2, 2018
Air conditioning system installation embedded on wall of building.

Air conditioning problems aren’t always predictable, but there are a few common problems that we see over and over again here in Houston, TX. Recognizing what they are might help you to fix the problem, or might simply help you understand what your HVAC technician is referring to when they provide solutions. Open Windows One…

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How Does Air Conditioning Work?

June 13, 2018
Heating and air conditioning unit in back of a residence

An air conditioner is a standard appliance in interior comfort. The Energy Information Administration reports that AC units account for almost 20 percent of yearly electricity consumption in the US. At M E Brown, we believe that knowledge is power: The more you know about the appliances you are using, the more effectively you can…

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When do need to I replace my air conditioner?

January 1, 1970
This picture shows the signs that you may need a new ac unit.

The central air conditioning system is a simple pleasure of everyday life. Your home should be a place where you can relax. On a hot summer day in Houston, cool air is essential to your relaxation. If you take good care of your air conditioner with annual inspections and monthly filter swaps, it should last 10 to 15 years.

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